Certificate Program Forms

With the help of their academic department, all graduate students must complete and submit a series of forms to Graduate Education throughout the course of their degree program. These forms are used to document degree requirements and advisory committee membership, report performance on various examinations and assist in tracking degree progress.

PLEASE NOTE: It is your responsibility to make sure the form makes it through the required approvals. After submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation email with a link that will allow you to track your request. Forms are generally processed by your graduate specialist in the order they are received, as time allows. Processing times vary depending on when the form is received. Unless your form is urgent, please allow a minimum of three weeks before checking on the status. 

This form is required to substitute a required certificate course(s) with an acceptable alternate course(s).

Submit Substitution for Required Certificate Course(s) Form

This form is required to designate courses for each certificate when more than one certificate will be awarded.

Courses taken for a specific certificate cannot be counted toward an additional certificate. This form must be submitted before a second certificate can be awarded.

Submit Certificate Program Courses Form

This form is required to request a leave of absence.

Once admitted to a certificate program, a student will be given three years to complete the program. A student may take a leave of absence, up to one year only, which will not count toward the specified time limit.

Submit Request for Leave of Absence

This form is required to request a change of catalog year.

Degree requirements are updated annually and published in the graduate catalog. The catalog year is what determines the degree requirements a student must fulfill in order to graduate. The catalog year is determined by the date of admission to the degree program, however, students may request to change to a subsequent catalog year if the requirements of the later catalog benefit the student. If a student changes their catalog year, they are responsible for fulfilling all of the graduation requirements in the newly chosen catalog and are not permitted to use a combination of catalogs to satisfy degree requirements.

Submit Request to Change Catalog Year